

Below are a selection of other publications that I have written, contributed to or instigated. They present the diverse world of interests in sustainability that have been my passion for years and that have led to writing the book, ’Achieving Sustainability’.

Ph.d. thesis
Ph.d. thesis


Essential Sustainability: From Utopian Theory to Practical Application

This research aims to examine the essence and practicability of sustainability. The impetus for undertaking the study is the conundrum that the more pressing the needs become for embarking on sustainable development the more apparent the hesitation and reluctance to systemically embrace it. The current growth paradigm appears to be so ingrained and dominant in our society, that despite overwhelming evidence to embark on sustainable development the required intervention has remained elusive. The study examines critical barriers to achieving sustainability as well as the potential to overcome them. This is addressed from a theoretical as well as practical perspective through primary and secondary research methodology. Three areas of investigation are undertaken: The field of sustainability spanning the period from the publication of the Brundtland Report in 1987 till current time, the field of utopianism in a historical perspective, and thirdly a case study consisting of three diverse, contemporary cases engaged in the processes of implementing sustainable development.

The research indicates that translating the ideal of sustainability into practical implementation initiatives generates both positive as well as negative responses. A broad spectrum of barriers is uncovered that hinders the advancement of sustainable development. Investigating the utopian aspect of sustainability leads to a deeper understanding of the construct and defines sustainability as a utopian theory. The analysis of the cases defines and constellates key process factors for positive outcomes into a potential framework for use when undertaking sustainable development initiatives. The research concludes that it has mainly been small, intentional undertakings by civil society that have moved the sustainability agenda forward and that it is a lack of systemic intervention that has been a major factor in hindering the needed progress.


The DEEDS (DEsign EDucation & Sustainability) project was funded by the European Union Leonardo da Vinci Programme and comprised a partnership of five institutions from the European design and sustainable development communities, embracing Higher Education, research and practice.

The project was developed and led by ICIS (Karen Blincoe and Alastair Fuad-Luke). The other partners were: SERI Germany e.V., Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Cologne, Germany, BEDA, Bureau of European Design Associations, Brussels, Belgium, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK, Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland.

The resulting paper (see pdf below) was written by Karen Blincoe, Alastair Fuad-Luk, Joachim Spangenberg, Michael Thomson, Dag Holmgren, Karin Jaschke, Tom Ainsworth, Bogumila Jung, and Karolina Tylka. The paper outlines the background, evolution and outcomes from the project which included a set of core principles, SCALES, diverse resources, an evolving Teaching & Learning landscape of ’pods’ (the Podscape), new student projects, and more. DEEDS embraced a platform of mutual learning by engaging diverse members of the design communities, with various actors and stakeholders to create a participatory platform for embedding ’sustainability into design and design into sustainability’. The paper has since its publication in 2013 been downloaded numerous times by design educators, students and designers around the world.

The ICIS paper DEEDS
The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy


Skills for a changing world

Edited by Aran Stibbe (2009)
(Re-educating the Person, pages 204-208).

”We could start by rethinking our educational platform to include intuition, imagining, wisdom, spirituality and holism, as well as basic knowledge of the interdependence and interconnectedness of all things. We could teach the next generation of learners skills in how to relate to other people, how to bepart of a community, how to go beyond winning or being first. We could help them gain the attributes of being true, authentic and content with who they are, at any time and in any place. Learners could ’go walk-about’ as aborigines in Australia do, in order to learn to communicate with their natural environment, expand their senses and increase their intuitive posers, and gain storytelling skills to share their experices”.

ISBN 978-1-900322-60-7


(Pages 42-43)

”The evolutionary process of humankind seems painfully slow, even though it is just a bleep, a fragment in Earth time. I believe there are layers to human evolution. We are still at the outer layers, making mistakes, blundering along in our unconscious states. However, we occasionally catch a glimpse of what might be, what could be, and what we could become. I want for us to move through to those inner layers where we live in oneness with ourselves, our communities, and our environments, so that the Earth doesn’t need to shake us off too soon. For this to happen we must have the courage and wisdom to deal with what’s within”.

ISBN: 978-1-57324-473-2

Prayers for Peace


This book of prayers from all types of denominations worldwide was an idea, that I got at an international gathering of AGI members (Alliance Graphique Internationale) in Paris in 2001, one month after 9/11. I was talking to the members about the event and what could we do. B. Martin Pedersen, the inspirational founder of Graphis Inc. (publishing company) picked up the idea and produced this beautiful book of prayers which I have quoted many times in lectures and seminars. All religions are represented. My favorite prayer is the one by Lao-Tse, Chinese Philosopher (6th Century BC):

ISBN 1-932026-04-5